Call Me Maybe?

Last night was a rather rough night for me.  I was still feeling sick from the night before and insomnia was running rampant amongst my brain.  I had about five million thoughts racing through my head all at the same time.


It didn’t help that I had a little ear worm make his way into my head.


If you haven’t heard this song, it IS rather catchy no matter how “teenage drama queen”-ish it is.  I am, of course, speaking of this Carly Rae Jepson song “Call Me Maybe”.


So if you haven’t heard it, it’s basically this girl that takes a chance on this guy she’s just met for the first time, she thinks it’s love at first sight and gives him her phone number and tells him to “Call me maybe’>


I’m sorry; I just can’t take this song seriously, at all.  Not because it’s teeny bopper-ish and immature, not because it’s sung by some Zoey Deschanel mini-me, and not because at the end of the video the guy she is chasing turns out to be gay.  No, I can’t take it seriously for one simple reason:


Who in the heck CALLS nowadays?


Photo Credit:

I think if she would change the lyrics to “Text me Maybe” I might be a little more inclined to consider the validity and sincerity of her message.  I even have facts to back up my point!  According to a September 2011 survey, one in every three texters would prefer to text instead of call someone or speak face to face.  I’m sure by now that statistic is even higher.


I have to say, I am most definitely one of the people who would much rather text.  I HATE talking on the phone and I despise face to face interactions even more.  I’m far too introverted to find myself being comfortable in situations like this.  Texting allows me to take a few moments to put my thoughts together, make them appear intelligent, and hopefully be perceivable as someone who knows what she’s talking about.  If you put me on the spot, however, I will stammer and stutter like a blubbering idiot.


I’m like this with everyone I know.  I would much rather carry out a ten hour text conversation as opposed to fifteen minutes on the phone.  I’m sure anyone that has had the misfortune of being on the phone with me for more than five minutes has had the displeasure of hearing that annoyance in my voice.  I just don’t like to talk on the phone!


What do you think?  Do people still call each other when they have the option of texting?  Are you a caller or a texter?